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Hucknall National C of E Primary School - "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10) ***If you are looking at applying for a place at Hucknall National for your child to start in 2025, please look at our Admissions page that can be found under the Key Information tab. -------------------------------- If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Headteacher, Sarah Barratt, or our Child and Family Support Worker, Jane Brown -------- Ofsted rating: GOOD --------------
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Hucknall National

CofE Primary School

Growing together in learning, love and faith

Year 5


Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to the Year 5 page.


This will be a little corner of the Internet that will show the world what Year 5 at HNPS are up to. We are made up of two different classes: Goshawk and Peregrine. 


We are looking forward to a year filled with adventure and wonder. We will be exploring the Antarctic, going back in time to the Vikings's and finding out what life was like in Tudor times. 


Please come and see us if you would like to find out more!


Many thanks, 

Miss Pell, Miss Plummer, Mrs Howard and Mrs Deakin






The children will be looking at place value and addition and subtraction. We will then move onto multiplication and division before moving onto fractions.



The children will study fiction and non-fiction. They will use this to write a non-chronological and continue to expand their skill set. They will also be writing a diary entry and a narrative. The independent writes from this unit will allow us to further assess the children.



In Autumn 1 the children will be studying the unit ‘Animals including humans’. In Autumn 2 we will move on to ‘Earth and Space’.



This term the children will be answering the question ‘How do people’s beliefs about God, the world and others have impact in their lives?’ from the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus.



Children will know and be able to; classify the location of the Arctic and Antarctica; study how plants, animals and humans are adapted to polar regions; explain how human use of the Earth its changing global landscapes. They will also look at; the impact of climate change; how this can be sustained in the future and explain and debate the benefits and costs of renewable energy sources. We have a very exciting opportunity where they will plan an orienteering activity (Misk Hills) and then evaluate and critique others’ routes, using set criteria to decide upon which way to walk.



Children will understand all key dates associated with the ‘Race to the Pole. Including the significance of this time period.


This term, children will be learn the knowledge and skills to be successful at Tag Rugby. Please can you ensure your child is in the correct school PE kit (please refer to your child’s diary for more information) for their lesson- which is on Friday’s.



We are very fortunate to have the chance to take part in Yoga again as part of our enrichment this year. This will take place on Monday’s in Autumn 2 beginning the week commencing the 6th November until the week commencing the 11th December. Please ensure your child is in the correct school PE kit for these sessions.



Homework will be set weekly. They will be sent home with an exercise book to complete homework in- this will have all of their login information in. If you have any problems logging in please contact us through Dojo. The children will be given homework on a Friday which will be due in the following Friday.


The total time for homework should be 45 minutes throughout the week.

  • Timetable Rockstars- 5 minutes daily (any combination totaling 25 minutes per week)
  • Maths- 15 minute task
  • Developing Experts- Quiz (this supports the learning that the children have completed in Science each week)
  • Spelling shed- complete weekly spellings.


Reading homework

Throughout school we encourage children to be involved in engaged reading time for a minimum of 20 minutes a day so that expected progress is made. We are challenging the children to read as many words as they can, with a push for reading 1 million words. This will earn them a book of their choice from Miss Barratt.

It is important that children read at their correct level and work towards their next reading certificate- you will find their reading range in the front on their homework book. The children are to have a book within their range alongside a book for pleasure, this can be at any level and does not need to be quizzed on. 
