Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 class page.
In Year 2 we have Kingfisher Class with Mrs Maxwell
Robin Class with Mr Turner.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Stewart.
For Autumn Term our teaching assistant is Mrs Martin.
Please message us on ClassDojo if you need anything, we are more than happy to help!
Useful Information
Please could children come to school in their PE kit on a Monday and Friday so they are ready for their lesson. If your child wears earrings and they cannot take them out themselves, please help take them out at home.
Autumn 1 half term we are also taking part in forest schools on Wednesdays.
Autumn 2 half term we will be having a PE lesson with Coach on Wednesdays.
The children will bring home either a Read, Write, Inc! or an Accelerated Reader book Please try to read with your child as much as you can to continue their learning at home and send your child to school with their reading book and planner everyday.
Children are welcome to bring in water bottles so they can keep hydrated throughout the day however please can they bring water only.
Autumn Term Topic
Our topic for the Autumn term is Sailing the Seven Seas!
In our English lessons we are looking at the story book Pirates Love Underpants and the Pirates Next Door. The children are going to continue to focus on the key skills of using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. The children are then going to focus on adding to simple sentences using adjectives, verbs and speech.
In our Maths lessons, we are looking at Place Value as well as Addition and Subtraction. Times Table Rockstars is a great way to support your child with Maths at home. Every child has a log in written in their reading diaries.
In Science this term, the children are looking at Everyday Materials and their properties, we are going to be working scientifically by investigating their uses.
In History, we are going to be learning about Christopher Columbus and what makes him significant.
Forest School
Emotions Day
Beaumanor Hall Pirate Trip
PSHE Overview
Common exception words
The pdf below is a list of the 'common exception words' that children in year 2 need to be able to spell. They will be tested on a selection of these words in the new assessment tests in May.