Our Approach to the Curriculum
Growing together in learning, love and faith
At Hucknall National Church of England Primary School our Christian Values underpin the ethos of everything we do as a church school. We believe the personal development of each child spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Our curriculum is designed to ensure the learning experience children have develops them as a whole person.
In Foundation Stage our children work through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which is play based with short focus activities in small groups.
During the autumn and spring terms in Year 1 this approach continues and the content of the work is gradually developed into the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum, so that by the Summer Term pupils are undertaking far more class based lessons.
From Year 2 upwards pupils follow the National Curriculum and study all the subjects this involves.
Children from Year 3 learn French and receive specialist teaching for PE from a Sports Coach.
Pupils are rigorously taught phonics through the Read, Write Inc. scheme, reading and spelling in a manner suited to their age and ability. Phonic knowledge is screened using a national test in Y1. All children other than those with very significant special educational needs take SATs (national tests) at the end of Year 2 and at the end of Year 6.
In order to ensure our curriculum is as creative and interesting as possible we have developed our own unique curriculum document which meets the needs of our children and community. This provides us with the starting point for a broad and balanced, knowledge and skills based curriculum with a creative edge. The curriculum is divided into themes for each year group. As well as that, Literacy is integral to all subjects, giving children the opportunity to use their reading, writing and language skills across the curriculum.
During weekly music lessons the children learn to read music and play instruments. Specialist music sessions are also available to children, where they learn to play a musical instrument at a small cost. These additional lessons are very popular in our school with nearly 70 children currently learning a musical instrument with a tutor. We also have a choir, ukulele and recorder clubs.
If you wish to find out more information about the school’s curriculum, please feel free to make an appointment with Miss Barratt or Mrs Brown. There are also more details about the curriculum for each half term on our class pages.