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Hucknall National C of E Primary School - "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10) ***If you are looking at applying for a place at Hucknall National for your child to start in 2025, please look at our Admissions page that can be found under the Key Information tab. -------------------------------- If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Headteacher, Sarah Barratt, or our Child and Family Support Worker, Jane Brown -------- Ofsted rating: GOOD --------------
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Hucknall National

CofE Primary School

Growing together in learning, love and faith


Religious Education

Autumn 1

For our Religious Education lessons this half term, we are learning about God and asking the question What do Christians believe God is like?


We are learning the parable ‘The Lost Son’.  The children will know what a parable is and know that God is a loving and forgiving Father.


We will also be asking the questions…

What is a parable?

How do Christians show they love God?

What are the different elements of prayer?

What is forgiveness?     

How is God like a parent?


Autumn 2

For our Religious Education lessons this half term, we are learning about Incarnation and asking the question Why does Christmas matter to Christians?


We are learning the nativity story and performing our nativities to family and friends.

