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Hucknall National C of E Primary School - "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10) ***If you are looking at applying for a place at Hucknall National for your child to start in 2025, please look at our Admissions page that can be found under the Key Information tab. -------------------------------- If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Headteacher, Sarah Barratt, or our Child and Family Support Worker, Jane Brown -------- Ofsted rating: GOOD --------------
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Hucknall National

CofE Primary School

Growing together in learning, love and faith

National Eco Team - Agents of Change

The National Eco Team

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." (Genesis 1: 26)



The National Eco Team was established in 2022 by a group of Year 4 students to become courageous advocates for the environment and all of God's creation. They meet regularly to discuss environmental issues and how we can support the school community in looking after our own environment and our beautiful planet.


Eco Team Prayer

God of life,
we praise you for the beauty of creation,
its richness and variety.
Make us more like Jesus,
treading gently on our common home,
and breathe your Spirit on us,
that we may care more deeply for your Earth.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rt Revd Graham Usher
Bishop of Norwich and Lead Bishop on the Environment



National Eco Team Promise

Thankfulness – We are thankful for God’s creation across the world

Respect - We respect our school environment and all of God’s Earth

Forgiveness – We forgive people for not always making good choices about our planet.

Trust – We trust that people working together can make a change

Hope – We hope for a better and brighter future for planet Earth

Love – We want to share love with everyone for our beautiful world


We promise to look after our school environment and all of God’s creation.

We promise to educate people to treat Earth with respect

We promise to do everything we can to make a positive change


Autumn Term 2023

This term, the National Eco Team have worked on ensuring that our school stays tidy and litter free. We want to look after and care for our school environment but also prevent any choking hazards for local wildlife. 

We have checked that lights are not being left on when people are not in their classrooms to save electricity and save the planet.


Spring Term 2024

These are the issues that we would like to work on this term:

1. Adults leaving car engines running around school. We have looked at how engine idling is against the law, it pollutes the environment and it increases pollution around the school which can additional health problems for children. We are making posters to put around school and share with parents on Class Dojo.

2. Litter - we are seeing an increasing amount of litter this term ,especially from milk cartons and straws. We will raise awareness of this in assembly.

3. Killing animals - we want to raise awareness of the impact on the environment that meat production can have. We are going to raise awareness with parents about eating less meat through leaflets. We are going to write to people in power to reduce meat production and the impact on the environment (such as deforestation). 



National Eco Team School Assembly
