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Hucknall National C of E Primary School - "Life in all its fullness" (John 10:10) ***If you are looking at applying for a place at Hucknall National for your child to start in 2025, please look at our Admissions page that can be found under the Key Information tab. -------------------------------- If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Headteacher, Sarah Barratt, or our Child and Family Support Worker, Jane Brown -------- Ofsted rating: GOOD --------------
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Hucknall National

CofE Primary School

Growing together in learning, love and faith




      “Science is the language of curiosity”

At Hucknall National, we intend to provide a broad, progressive, scientific curriculum that develops subject specific vocabulary and empowers children to be inquisitive about the world around them. We understand that Science is part of our everyday life and we encourage children to make careful observations and decisions based on justifiable reasons. Our Science curriculum provides various, memorable experiences (including experiments and visitors) to broaden the children’s knowledge regardless of their ability or background. Ultimately, we want children to enjoy working scientifically and leave school with the knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.



Our aims in teaching science include the following:

 • To encourage and build upon our children’s natural curiosity, stimulating them to ask questions and motivate them to investigate.

• To develop their knowledge and understanding of science, making the concepts we study relevant to their everyday life and giving them opportunities to explore and observe at first hand where possible.

• To teach the children scientific skills and strategies and to develop positive attitudes which encourage them to share response.

• To prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world, raising their aspirations and providing them with an enhanced curriculum



Science learning takes place in a variety of ways at Hucknall National Primary. Children are given the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and an enquiring mind. This is done through formal lessons, group activities, individual work, school trips, experiments and curriculum themed days. Children are taught to think scientifically and ask questions. Problem solving activities and investigations are used to engage children in their learning; these activities often have a real life context.


The delivery of science teaching at our school places an emphasis on scientific investigations and practical activities which are based on real world scenarios. Science is taught in weekly lessons and is also delivered through cross curricular links in other subjects. Science lessons are adapted according to children’s learning requirements. This ensures all groups of learners can access the curriculum and make progress in their substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Care is taken to ensure progression from the foundation stage and throughout key stages 1 and 2. When topics are revisited another layer of knowledge and skills are added to deepen the children’s understanding. As a school we have invested in Developing Experts to support with the delivery and resourcing of Science.


Scientific work is recorded in a variety of ways appropriate to the age of the children and their individual needs in each key stage. This can include teacher observations, photographs, drawings, tables, graphs, written accounts and formal write ups. It is expected that all recorded science work is to be presented to a high standard but not to the detriment of science investigations or the teaching and learning aspect of the lesson. The balance of practical activity and length of recording tasks is carefully planned to maintain a scientific emphasis.



Progression Maps


Year 2 had a visit from Dr. Sullivan a local vet.

Year 3 had a visit from Dr. Brazkiewicz to discuss how the skeleton protects the human body.

Year 3 have recently conducted an exciting experiment exploring how different materials reflect light. They all made predictions and ensured it was a fair test, the children wrote their conclusions and shared their findings like true scientists!

Environment Agency visit

During our Spring term we had a visit from the Environment Agency to help educate the children on the importance of keeping out planet clean. The children got to explore Recycling and biodegradability of common items, the use of permeable paving and rainwater/flooding issues and the importance of water pollution and things we can do improve it.

The children had a fantastic time gaining such vital knowledge in the importance around climate change, they even got chance to try on some of their equipment. 


Science week 2024

We have had a brilliant Science week again this year.

The children have loved creating their year group projects and presenting them at the Science fair. We also had a special visit from Nina at Science tots who taught every class during the week. The children got the opportunity to take part in some hands on Science experiments and gained lots of knowledge. 

The children have truly been inspired and it is incredible to see.


Year 1 Science Week

Still image for this video
Our Science project was called What a blustery day! Where we explored the different seasons throught oberservations and experiements.

EYFS ... To Infinity and beyond!

Year 4 and Merlin Class Science Workshop
