Members of Parliament
Here are our proud and important School Parliament for 2023-24.

What have we been up to?
This year we have been busy reseaching different companies to help us to imporve our school playgrounds. We are looking at equipment and markings to improve what we have to offer at playtimes.
We have also been busy raising money for other charties.
Children In Need 2023
This year we organised the fundraising activities in order to support children in need. We decided to take part in Joe Wicks’ ‘Bearpee’ challenge. We challenged year group to complete 1000 burpees during the week leading up to Children in Need, finishing with a non-uniform day on Friday 17th November. The children were really successful and completed the challenge with ease and huge smiles whilst also raising money for others. Together we raised £689.05. Thank you to all our families who help support us raise this amount.
Red Nose Day 2024
This year we organised the fundraising activities in order to support Comic Relief. We decided to organise a design a t-shirt compertition as well as a non-uniform day on Friday 15th March. The children reflected on the importance of raising money for others less forchinate than oursleves. Together the school Community raised £335.85. Thank you to all our families who help support us raise this amount.
Children In Need 2024
This year we organised the fundraising activities in order to support Children In Need on Friday 15th November. We decided to organise a non-uniform day as well as a Pudsey bake off. The children worked really hard to create a range of cakes themes around the main bear himself. They then sold off the cakes and all the profits went to the charity. Together the school community raised £595.85. Thank you to all our families who help support us raise this amount. Have a look at our fantastic cakes below.