At Hucknall National Primary School, we aim to provide as many opportunities and experiences for our children as possible to enable them to "live life in all its fullness". We aspire to cultivate the gifts and talents of every child and equip them with the wisdom, hope, sense of community and dignity to live life in all its fullness. We are growing together in learning, love and faith. The intent of our enrichment quadrant of our curriculum is to provide equal access to a range of opportunities and experiences to develop an understanding of themselves and the wider world.
This section of the website will showcase all the additional exciting opportunities and experiences that we provide for our children at Hucknall National.
Forest School
At Hucknall National Primary School, we have a fantastic woodland area which is the perfect place for Forest School.
Each year group from Year 1 – 6, will have six weeks of forest school taught by Georgia, a qualified forest school practitioner from Papplewick Pre-School.
During forest school, the children learn and develop new skills in the outdoor environment. They will get the opportunity to learn how to handle tools such as a bowsaws, axes, drills, hammers and mallets safely under direct supervision as well as knot tying and team building skills. The children will also develop fire skills such as lighting and extinguishing fire.
The ethos of forest school is based on the fundamental respect for children and young people and their capacity to instigate, test and maintain curiosity in the world around them. Research says ‘forest school’ has lots of benefits including; building confidence, developing social skills, communication, motivation, physical skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the environment.
The children will also be continuing their six weeks of yoga sessions.
New for this year, the children will also be taking part in six weeks of inclusive sports and golf.
This year the children are continuing yoga each week and will be learning how they can use the techniques taught in other areas of their life, including calming nerves and relaxation.
All the children will also experience a half term of Lacrosse with our sports coach. We hope this might inspire them to continue it in the future or find a passion for a more unusual sport.
Career day inspires children to aim high at Hucknall National C of E Primary School
Hucknall National Church of England Primary School children have been exploring the world of work and discovering a vast array of inspirational professions they can set their sights on during a ‘Careers day’.
The children were so excited to share their dreams and aspirations for the future at our Careers Day in October. It was wonderful to have so much support from our community and it has given the children the aspiration to think about what they want to do in their own lives. Amongst the visitors who spoke to our children were nurses, a surgeon, someone who works with animals, lecturers, consultants, a representative from a global software company and the emergency services.
Some of these careers were unfamiliar to children and we are pleased that they now understand how they too could forge similar career paths one day. It has really helped our children to think about what they have the potential to do in the future.
In addition to the talks from visitors, children created their ‘future self’ in the form of a cookie and held a special lunch.
Valentina, age 8 said, “I have come dressed as a baker. I have always had a connection to baking and have done it since I was three years old! I like baking cakes and I have brought some into school today. My favourite thing to make is my double massive chocolate chip cookies. Also, we have had some visitors talking about their careers. We have had a dog trainer and walker and that was interesting. I think I have also seen some jobs my mum would like, and I am going to tell her about them.”
Artie age 7 came to school dressed as a doctor and said, “I am interested in the human body, and I like to help people. I think there are some good costumes today, some have come dressed as footballers and doctors and some builders. I want to be a doctor because in year 3 we have a quiet corner with a science book in it and it shows you all the parts of the body so you can learn the names and what they do.”
Amelia age 8 said, “I have come dressed as a Bellway Site Manager which is a helper manager at a building company. I am interested because that is my dad’s job and I have been to work with him and it looks very interesting. I also really like buildings. I think I will have to study a lot for my career but that’s alright because I like my school and the teachers are really nice.”
Our Careers Day is another example of how Hucknall National Primary School want the very best for our children, and the day was so successful that it is going to become an annual event. We are determined to give the child the motivation to live life in all its fullness, today and for the rest of their lives.
Pantomime 2023
As part of our Christmas celebrations, this year the whole school was treated to the pantomime Aladdin. The children throughly enjoyed joining in as well as laughing along with all the jokes. A huge thank you to the Theatre Week company for putting on the fabulous show for us. We are really looking forward to working with you on our up coming project.
Enrichment in the Early Years
As part of our Enrichment Curriculum, every child from Y1 to Y6 will experience six weekly lessons of Yoga and Lacross. This is taught by professional teachers and gives the children opportunities to try new and exciting activities. These sessions are in addition to regular PE lessons.
Here are some pictures of the children taking part in a lesson.
As part of our Enrichment Curriculum, every child from Y1 to Y6 will experience six weekly lessons of Yoga and Fencing. This is taught by professional teachers and gives the children opportunities to try new and exciting activities. These sessions are in addition to regular PE lessons.
Fencing is very popular. Here are some pictures of the children taking part in a lesson.
The children were taught Yoga and Judo. The children said they ‘enjoyed Judo lessons and liked to challenge their friends.’