Religious Education
Religious education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and to live 'life in all its fullness'. (John 10:10).
It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together. Such an approach is offered through a commitment to generous hospitality, being true to our underpinning faith, but with a deep respect for the integrity of other religious traditions (and worldviews) and for the religious freedom of each person.
Our approach to the teaching of RE reflects the Church of England 'Statement for Entitlement'.
RE Policy
Worship Values 2022-23
RE Planning
Christianity as a diverse global living faith
At Hucknall National we know Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. We give our children the opportunity to understand that there are Christians all over the world worshipping God.
During Collective Worship we use images from Christians around the world to support our teaching.
In our RE lessons we teach children about how Christians are worshipping and following the Bible around the world. The children learn about how Christian charities like Christian Aid and Tear Fund demonstrate their faith in real life terms by helping people around the world. We learn about the stories of some of the people they help around the world. Our Year 5 children think about they can help live out the 'Five Marks of Mission' and work for justice and freedom. They research the lives of Christians whose faith and actions have changed the world - Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Gladys Aylward and Desmond Tutu.
Our Reflection areas show images of Jesus and stories from the Bible from around the world. We display books showing Christians from different cultures and we have different kinds of Bibles.
As part of our Courageous Advocacy we take part in the Christmas Shoe Box campaign to bring great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children around the world.
Our whole school is now working working with other church schools in Nottinghamshire to support Christians working in The King's Village in Ghana. We are sponsoring a little boy who has just started school and we are learning how Christians are helping others in the world in real terms.
Developing staff expertise and knowledge
Our RE Lead plans lessons providing support material and resources to enable staff to develop their own skills. Our Children and Families Worker at church has supported the development of these resources helping to identify how the church team can enhance our provision.
Staff training takes place regularly to help ensure everyone is confident and our children receive the best teaching. Each year group has a link person from the wider clergy team in Hucknall, who they can go to for additional support.
Giving the children at Hucknall National real life experiences in RE is a priority. This helps us to bring it learning to life and helps them know and remember more in the most memorable way possible.
Incarnation - Year 3 visit to the church to learn about Baptism and how the Baptism of Jesus is central to Christmas.
Key Stage One children all visit our church to learn about the birth of Christ for their RE Incarnation Unit. We are so fortunate to have amazing support from our local clergy and congregation who role play the characters from the Christmas story and enable the children to think more deeply and ask thoughtful questions to embed and develop their knowledge further.
Our Easter Pilgrimage
In Early Years, we began by focussing on 'everyone is unique and special'. As part of this topic, we thought about what makes us special as well as our own families and beliefs. We then talked about respecting each others differences. We even had a whole day to celebrate diversity where we can to school dressed in clothes that show what makes us individual and special.
In Autumn 1 we learnt different Bible stories such as 'Jesus calms the storm'. We love to role play and act out Bible stories in EY.
In Autumn 2 we learnt all about 'The Christmas Story'. We even starred in our own version called 'Whoops-a-daisy Angel' (Our Nativity). We have learnt so much about Jesus and God through stories, role play, The Children's Bible and practical activities.
During Spring term we are learning about special times and celebrations. We know that Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter. We also talk about times special to us and everyone gets to share what is special to them. We learn about Diwali and how our friends who are Sikh or Hindu celebrate the festival of light and Holi. We talk about similarities and differences between each celebration (such as music, food and candles).
Later on in Spring we look deeply into why Christians celebrate Easter and the meaning behind this celebration for Christians.
All of our children are diverse, unique, celebrated and included in each aspect of our RE curriculum.
Diversity and differences work in EYFS
RE Lessons in EYFS
Year 1 re-enacting the Easter story
Year 4
We have examined our value of Hope and created prayers showing hopes for ourselves, our families, Hucknall and the World.